The Sh*t List

Here you’ll find the products that didn’t work for us, the brands we don’t support, and all the juicy reasons why. See something on this list you love, or something missing? Feel free to leave a comment.

F-Factor Diet

Let’s just get one thing straight. Almost any weight-loss company that claims not to be a diet is most definitely a diet. Cue, the F-Factor brand. I was hesitant to even write about it since I don’t want to bring attention to it for those who haven’t yet heard of it but now might be tempted to start. However, in my two short years at college, I’ve met too many people who dangerously live their lives by the F-Factor rulebook for me to just turn a blind eye.

Mario Badescu

Our first issue with this line of products is their added fragrances. One of the biggest skincare no-nos is using products that have a fragrance. Synthetic fragrance can be one of the greatest catalysts for negative skin reactions like rashes and itching. And this is true for people with all skin types, not just sensitive skin. 

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay

This container of dry 100% natural bentonite clay has been deemed the hidden, acne-clearing gem. Priced at only $7.99 on Amazon and Target, celebrities like Lili Reinhart and Khloe Kardashian have been raving about it all over social media. And my one question is, why? 

Neutrogena Makeup Wipes

We’ll keep this one short and sweet because makeup wipes, in general, are so 2018. It used to be that we had no others options but to use these wipes to take off our makeup. But if you have sensitive skin like me, each time you wiped one of the Neutrogena wipes across your face, you felt this terrible stinging sensation and knew something was wrong.