
Save Your Eyes From the Screen With Blue Light Glasses

When I became an assistant last year, I quickly realized just how bad staring at a computer screen all day was for you. It took less than a week for me to begin experiencing horrible headaches at work, and I could tell immediately there was a direct correlation to me staring at the computer for hours on end and the pain I was feeling. Luckily for me, I did some research and discovered the benefits of blue light glasses. 

Why You Should Foster In Quarantine

The moment my office, along with the rest of the world, was sent home indefinitely, I knew that I wanted to try fostering an animal. What better way to spend all of this time indoors than to save a life and be around something cute, tiny, and snuggly all day long? 

Product Review: Bala Bangles

I recently purchased one-pound Bala Bangles weights to incorporate into my workouts and I gotta say, they really are amazing. You can get them to be the perfect size to cup over your hands or around wrists and ankles, so it’s pretty versatile. 

City Guide: Chicago

In the midst of coronavirus, getting out and doing things to stay busy has made this new era of isolated living so much more bearable. My friends and I decided that the perfect way to do this would be to take a day trip to Chicago since it’s only a two hour drive from our campus at the University of Wisconsin. After a day filled with amazing food, good shopping and the best vibes imaginable, I’m here to report back all the places you need to check out if you ever decide to visit the city.

It’s Time to Start Listening to Podcasts

If you don’t consider yourself to be a big podcast person, I am here to get you on board. Do you ever get sick of your music, or maybe you’re not in the mood, or not able to watch tv? Enter podcasts! The world is busy in 2020 and podcasts provide people with the opportunity to soak up more content while being able to multitask.