
Fitness, wellness, mental health, and more.

Immunity Boosters

Not only is COVID still circulating, but the dreaded cold and flu season that accompanies winter is beginning. Although the ideal situation would be to get all these nutrients through food, people normally don’t eat a well-balanced enough diet to get the adequate amounts.

Favorite Female Founded Brands

As you probably know, one of our favorite things to do is share the brands we’re loving at the moment. This is usually because we’ve had amazing results of glowy skin or got a million compliments on a jacket. But we rarely highlight brands we love because of their company stories.

TV Shows Worth Binge Watching

Although I love being home over school breaks, I also get a bit bored out of my mind without any school work to do. Ask any of my friends- I am not a TV person. But while I usually turn to podcasts and movies when I’m bored, this break is extra long and, due to quarantine, lacks the usual social time. 

My Favorite Beauty and Self-Care Products for Runners

I hear all the time about new fitness equipment, recovery tools, and running gear that I should try. But, I rarely hear about beauty products and self-care tools specifically for women runners!

Best Cyber Monday Deals

After careful research, I have compiled the products that I think are worth buying today, as well as the best stores with best deals to splurge on.

Holiday Gift Guide: 10 Gifts Under $50

Who says you need to break the bank during the Holidays? Here are 10 gifts under $50 that would make anyone happy!

Holiday Gift Guide: 10 Gifts Under $100

Whether you’re shopping for yourself or a loved one, here are a list of 10 gifts under $100 to splurge on this Holiday season. If you act fast, some of these items might still be on sale for Cyber Monday!

Q&A with Kat Mangini

Katerina Mangini is a student at the University of Texas, Austin studying dietetics. She is also in training to become a Health Coach through the Institution of Integrative Nutrition in New York City. 

What’s on My Holiday Wishlist

While the holidays are obviously not just about the gifts, it’s certainly a bonus in my book. I always struggle to come up with a list last minute, so this year I started early. Here is a look at some of the gifts I would love to get!

Tips for the Ultimate WFH Set Up

Urban Dictionary defines WFH or “Work from Home” as a concept popularized from COVID-19, where everyone is self-quarantined, resulting in many working from home. Over the past seven months, working from home has become something that so many of us have had to adjust to, and for some, like me, this may have been a difficult transition to navigate. However, I have found that by creating my own little work space, my WFH experience has been much more successful and enjoyable.