Reality Check

Getting real on everything from the news to mental health.

Finding Resilience From My Childhood Bedroom

The past eight months have been a series of highs and lows for everyone. The unpredictable nature of this pandemic is enough to make anyone go crazy.

I am currently on the way to earning a BFA degree at NYU Tisch School of the Arts for Drama, however, due to the pandemic, my artistic studies have been put on hold. Where I was previously living my dream, acting, performing, and watching theatre three days a week from 9-5, I am now back in my high school bedroom in California, taking gen ed classes.

Everything You Should Know Before Voting

It’s no secret that the election around the corner is unbelievably important. Although we definitely tend to lean one way on our writing staff, we recognize that the issues at hand are about so much more than just partisan problems. So after you figure out your plan for voting and before you head to the polls, read up on some of the important issues that will be determined by Nov. 3rd’s winning candidate (all points taken directly from NPR)

I Moved to Australia in the Middle of a Pandemic

On March 9th I was preparing to leave my dorm and head back to LA for spring break when suddenly all Barnard and Columbia classes were cancelled for the week. This was great news for us– spring break was starting a week earlier! Being one of the nicest days of the semester, the entire student body seemed to congregate on the lawns in celebration, and nearly every local store sold out of cases of Corona. Within the week however, things would be drastically different. 

Mental Health Week: My Experience With Anxiety

In spirit of mental health week, I thought it was important to share my own personal mental health story. It wasn’t until two of my good friends vocally shared with me about their journey with anxiety medication that I even considered that path. It then took an entire year after that for me to feel comfortable reaching out to a psychiatrist. Without the transparency of these two people’s experiences, I don’t think I would have allowed myself to try it.

The Notorious RBG

If you are on any form of social media, you are no stranger to the news of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing. The second woman to ever sit on the Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg passed numerous laws that allowed women to have financial and legal autonomy over themselves making her both a historical and feminist icon.