
Is Matcha Overrated?

I was inspired to write this post after my sister and I were on a walk and she started telling me all the things she “doesn’t believe in.” It went something like this: Coronavirus deniers, anyone who says they don’t like babies, matcha and-. I stopped her. What did she mean she didn’t believe in matcha? Her response was that it was green, looked funky, and seemed like a hoax influencers made up to look trendy. What even was it?

Grocery Shopping in the Q

Something I actually have loved about quarantine is that I went from living in a dorm with just a mini-fridge and a microwave to having a normal person kitchen with a full-sized fridge and an oven!! This means I can shop for more than just rice cakes and peanut butter.

Sourdough 101

If you’re anything like me, the social isolation of quarantine is far from an inconvenience. I could spend hours cooped up in my room reading a book or listening to a finely curated compilation of podcasts (post to come soon!). But my absolute favorite way to waste time is in the kitchen experimenting with the most obscure recipes I can find.

Recipe Roundup

I am a firm believer that there are no bad cooks, only people who don’t follow the recipe. If you don’t know what flavors and foods go best together, there are plenty of talented chefs out there who have already figured that out for you. But to save you some time looking for those, here are my most recent favorite recipes.