
The best restaurants, recipes and other foodie things we’re loving.

Jon & Vinny’s Spicy Fusilli Recipe

Disclaimer: nothing in this world is as good as the OG Spicy Fusilli straight from the J&V kitchen. However, this Bon Appétit adaptation recipe comes pretty close:

Daily Harvest Review

So it’s officially that time of year where every single recipe sounds uninspiring and we’ve decided we’re never cooking another day in our lives. Normally, this is when I would turn straight to my Uber Eats app.

Dairy Alternatives

I’m not one for diet trends, but it has been proven over and over that dairy can have detrimental effects or your skin, health, brain functioning and more. That being said, dairy products do work really well for some people.

Healthy Food Swaps

Dairy- free, plant-based, paleo… we’ve pretty much tried it all. Although we love experimenting with different eating habits and recipes we DON’T believe in restricting foods or labeling our diets. 

Recipe Round-Up

It’s Garyn! Very excited to be here. My mission is to empower people to get in the kitchen and do the things they never thought they could do — and eat well while doing it. I’m here to share a non-recipe recipe I love, and some other things I’m planning on making for the holiday season. 

Our Favorite Cookbooks

Although you can find almost whatever recipe you need on the internet, or your fave food insta account, I still absolutely love my cookbook collection. 

Recipe Roundup: Thanksgiving Dishes

I freaking love Thanksgiving. I also feel like this can be a hot take. So many of my friends say they don’t like Thanksgiving food and I personally think that means they are doing Thanksgiving wrong. No, I don’t like gravy, green bean casseroles, or cranberry sauce from a jar, however, there are so many yummy recipes that I know will turn you into a Thanksgiving lover like me. Since I won’t be home for Thanksgiving for the first time ever, I want to make sure my dinner includes all the dishes that will bring me a sense of home.

Recipe Roundup: Fall Dishes

I am a firm believer that there are no bad cooks, only people who don’t follow the recipe. If you don’t know what flavors and foods go best together, there are plenty of talented chefs out there who have already figured that out for you. But to save you some time looking for those, here are my fall recipe picks.

Trader Joe’s Shopping List

There’s no way to walk into Trader Joes and not want to buy everything in plain sight. Their frozen food section, snacks and everything in between are delicious and can fit every culinary taste possible. Since it can often be overwhelming to go on a shopping trip there and not know how to keep yourself from spending a few hundred dollars too many, we’ve curated a list of all the best, underrated picks you need to pick up on your next grocery run.

The Kitchen Appliance Everyone Needs

If you couldn’t already tell, here at The Dish we love food more than almost anything else in the world – yes, even more than our retinol. But to make the perfect plate of anything, you need the right tools in the kitchen to get there. So we’re here to introduce the air fryer, aka the perfect kitchen appliance for no matter what you’re making.

Three Days of Healthy Eating

Healthy eating often gets a bad rap for being gross, stressful, difficult or expensive. But what people don’t realize is that eating healthy is about adding foods to your diet, not removing them. That’s why I’ve compiled a few easy healthy recipes to have on hand so I can always add them into my days when I’m feeling like I need a little bit of a reset.