Copycat Jon and Vinny’s Spicy Fusilli

written by ERICA DICK. April 13th, 2020 Disclaimer: nothing in this world is as good as the OG Spicy Fusilli straight from the J&V kitchen. However, this Bon Appétit adaptation recipe comes pretty close: Ingredients: 4 SERVINGS ¼ cup olive oil ½ shallot, finely chopped 1 small garlic clove, finely grated ½ cup tomato paste 2 tablespoonsContinue reading “Copycat Jon and Vinny’s Spicy Fusilli”

Vitamins and Minerals to Boost Immunity

written by ERICA DICK. Feb 18th, 2020 Not only is COVID still circulating, but the dreaded cold and flu season that accompanies winter is beginning. Although the ideal situation would be to get all these nutrients through food, people normally don’t eat a well-balanced enough diet to get the adequate amounts. So although we are in noContinue reading “Vitamins and Minerals to Boost Immunity”

Favorite Female Founded Brands

written by ERICA DICK. January 5th, 2020 As you probably know, one of our favorite things to do is share the brands we’re loving at the moment. This is usually because we’ve had amazing results of glowy skin or got a million compliments on a jacket. But we rarely highlight brands we love because of their companyContinue reading “Favorite Female Founded Brands”

Healthy Food Swaps

written by ERICA DICK. January 5th, 2020 Dairy- free, plant-based, paleo… we’ve pretty much tried it all. Although we love experimenting with different eating habits and recipes we DON’T believe in restricting foods or labeling our diets. We like to focus more on intuitive eating, which means finding healthy alternatives to foods that aren’t totally serving ourContinue reading “Healthy Food Swaps”

Finding Resilience From My Childhood Bedroom

written by JULIANNA HARPER. December 8th, 2020 The past eight months have been a series of highs and lows for everyone. The unpredictable nature of this pandemic is enough to make anyone go crazy. I am currently on the way to earning a BFA degree at NYU Tisch School of the Arts for Drama, however,Continue reading “Finding Resilience From My Childhood Bedroom”