
Billie Razors Review: The Razor You Need Now

I have suffered from ingrown hairs since the day I started shaving back in middle school. I thought my hair follicles were cursed. Why me? I had to start coming up with an elaborate shaving schedule because I couldn’t bear to shave any part of my body more than once a week. I missed out on beach days because sometimes the schedule just didn’t line up. When my hair would grow back out, it would burn and itch like something was wrong. I could feel the follicles struggling to break through the skin. 

Keratosis Pilaris: The Tiny Bumps on Your Arms Explained

If you’re reading this you are probably here because you have had this thought at least once in your life: What the heck are these tiny bumps all over my arms? Your answer: keratosis pilaris (KP). KP is a very common skin condition that may have you wondering why and what these annoying bumps on your arms are.

Perfumes At Every Price Range

One thing that’s always been non-negotiable for me is having a signature scent. Even though perfumes can often be expensive, having a high quality perfume is definitely something I always found myself splurging on. But having a great scent doesn’t have to be outrageously expensive. Since always having a good perfume has become one of my life’s missions, I’ve come up with pretty good variety of brands and fragrances that are amazing at every price range.

Rundown on Self-Tanners

I decided to dip my toe in the self-tanning pond about a year ago when I realized the Wisconsin winters were making me paler than I knew was humanly possible. At first I was skeptical, as the word self tanner made me think of an orange, streaky, Jersey shore mess. However, as I’ve done research and tried my fare share of products, I’ve come to learn which are the best and how you can hack each one for the best natural tan.

Top 5 Natural Deodorants

Most of us don’t think twice about putting on deodorant every morning. For the people in smelling distance of you, that’s fantastic. For your health, possibly not so much. Multiple health concerns have come out about the aluminum in most deodorants that’s included to clog your pores and hamper the dreaded underarm sweat.

How to Stay Hairless in Lockdown

Missing your eyebrow lady extra these days? Us too. With salons and spas closing back down, we feel your need for those overdue facials and waxing treatments. Since we don’t know how much longer until we can return to our beloved estheticians, we’ve compiled some temporary fixes until we can get a proper clean-up.