Vitamins and Minerals to Boost Immunity

written by ERICA DICK. Feb 18th, 2020

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on

Not only is COVID still circulating, but the dreaded cold and flu season that accompanies winter is beginning. Although the ideal situation would be to get all these nutrients through food, people normally don’t eat a well-balanced enough diet to get the adequate amounts. So although we are in no way, shape or form medical professionals, here are some vitamins and minerals you research suggests you may want to supplement to boost immunity.

Vitamin C

This one is obvious, but we had to include. Since Vitamin C is water soluble, you can take as much as you want, and your body will just excrete the excess you don’t need.


Many studies have found that supplementing with Zinc if you’re starting to feel under the weather can reduce the chances of catching a cold up to 30%. Zinc can however be overdosed on. So try to take no more than 20mg and check with your doctor have a sensitive stomach (as Zinc can cause gastrointestinal problems)

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D is so essential for your immune system to form a proper response. If you live in a sunny place and are outside constantly you could have sufficient levels of vitamin D3, but otherwise, most people are typically deficient. Aim for a 400 – 1000IU supplement as you should be getting the rest from food sources or being outside.


Elderberry has been proven to fight inflammation and stress responses in your body. This is especially important for fighting COVID as many people have had overactive immune systems that cause dangerously inflammatory responses. 


There is early research that supports the sleep supplement melatonin as a good treatment for covid. This isn’t fully researched but since good sleep also boosts your immunity, it’s harmless to try.

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