Keratosis Pilaris: The Tiny Bumps on Your Arms Explained

written by NOA DIAMOND. October 12th, 2020

If you’re reading this you are probably here because you have had this thought at least once in your life: What the heck are these tiny bumps all over my arms? 

Your answer: keratosis pilaris (KP). KP is a very common skin condition that may have you wondering why and what these annoying bumps on your arms are. While common on the arms, they can also be found on your thighs and even butt. Likely, you have had them since the age of two, or they developed later in your teenage years. You may have thought this was dry skin and tried moisturizing the area everyday. But to no avail, the bumps stay. While not all tiny, red bumps on arms are necessarily KP, if you think you have ruled out it being acne, then it is likely the culprit. 

KP is caused by a buildup of dead skin cells under your follicles. They are trapped there and can’t get out! So you need to help them. It’s important to note these bumps are neither dangerous or contagious (but, they are definitely pesky). 

While there is no cure, here are some at home strategies to help manage your KP:

Exfoliate in the shower! Aim for 3x a week. You can use anything containing glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, lactic acid, or salicylic acid. You already know I love the body exfoliator by Nécessaire ($30). Their product contains glycolic, lactic, and salicylic acid so no wonder it leaves me feeling smoother than a baby’s bottom. There is also a product out there aimed directly at fighting KP: DermaDoctor’s KP Duty Body Scrub (but this is far more pricey at $50). This product contains both glycolic and lactic acid. You can also pair this chemical exfoliation with a physical one. Something as simple as using a loofah to apply your body wash each time you shower can do the trick. Or if you’re really serious about taking KP on you can invest in an electric brush like this one from Remington for $55 to gently exfoliate in the shower.

When exfoliating, it is super important for anyone to use lotion afterwards, but especially for people with KP. Use anything that is gentle, non-comedogenic (pore-clogging), and fragrance free of course! Added bonus if you find a moisturizer that contains propylene glycol or urea. This one by Paula’s Choice $28 would be my personal choice (no pun intended). It contains a slew of moisturizing ingredients like propylene glycol that will draw all the moisture you need to your skin. Plus, it is super light and not at all sticky. 

Most importantly, if you have KP do not panic because I promise you so many others do too and you probably have never even noticed it on someone else. But I totally understand how it can bother you and affect your confidence, so follow these steps to start seeing improvement. 

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